Last Day of Preschool
Emma thought this day would never come, but school is finally out! Their class celebrated with a luau. It was so cute! They had a music program. Emma was slow to warm up, but finally got into the groove. Sam, meanwhile, sat glued to his carpet square, wanting to know where mommy was at every second. Emma has the sweetest, most serene and peaceful look about her face and we are all convinced that her relief over the end of school has washed over her and left her content! :o) We tease because she loves school and has the greatest time while she is there and is overflowing with stories when she gets in the car, but she never wants to go and tells us repeatedly that "I not like school!" She is such a drama queen! Sam does love school and is always excited about going, but I think he was a little overwhelmed with all of the classes being in one big room and having all of the parents there. He really always had to keep tabs on me. Emma and Sam were not sitting together (in fact they were sitting across from each other) so I kept having to move around to get the best pictures and video. In the end, we had a luau in their room and said our goodbyes. One mommy had brought her baby daughter to the party and Emma was obsessed with the baby. She was very sweet and gentle and even asked if she could go see the baby. The baby truly adored her and Emma kept saying, "The baby loves me" and she would just beam and giggle. We had a great time. Now what am I going to do with all 5 of them home for the whole summer???????